Our Tax Prep Fees
What kind of fees will you be presented with?
Our fees are competitive against the franchise tax prep offices. We beat their prices with hands down. With that said: If we are able to do custom work and apply special tax laws in your favor then we may have custom prices. It depends on the work involved and time required to handle the complications needing resolution.
Rough Fee Estimates
The tax preparation fee for the W2 only clients will most likely cost somewhere between $100 and $750.
Do you have other types of documents in addition to the W2?
Do you have a 1099 ? It depends on how much work is involved in getting all the deductions. It depends if you have 1099 in the amount of half a million. I have seen many a clients getting that high 1099s.
Due to the nature of work involved for business owners and Independent Contractors, it is difficult to give fee estimates from the outset. The estimates are provided once an interview is conducted in detail and all factors are considered.
Typically the prices start at $750 and all the way up for million dollar earners.
Your fee may be less, or it may be more. After we are able to understand the nature of work involved - only then we are able to come up with an estimate fee.
If You End Up Owing Too Much Income Tax, We Promise To Either Find Legal & Bonafide Ways To Reduce Your Taxes Going Forward or Else If We Fail Then We Will Reduce Our Prices.
Some of the factors include but not limited to:
Do you have all the paperwork?
Are some of the W2 / 1099 or other documents missing? Do you need help finding these?
How much time is spent in explaining things to you?
Do you live in one state and work in other or if multiple states are involved?
Do you owe city taxes and these taxes are not withheld?
What kind of contract work did you do?
Do you owe money to your boss and your boss owes money to you?
(Very common for the shuttle and transportation providers.... uber drivers and many others).
Do you do day-trading stocks?
Have you taken early distributions?
Did you buy or sell a home or a real estate / property?
How was your compliance with the Affordable Care Act?
Did you over or under use the subsidy? How about a need for the calculation of the shared responsibility / penalty?
Payment Choices:
Payment is due when your tax return is picked up and prior to your return(s) being efiled.
If custom work is involved or we have to do the book keeping / accounting then you pay half in advance
and the remaining half immediately upon delivery.
At your option, you may pay with cash or money order or Paypal or personal or business check and or credit/debit card(s).